My Quotes
These are my personal Quotes
- The Youth are our future and investing in them is investing in our future
- Service to Humanity is one of the best forms of worship of God
- Our elders are our destiny and the culture of treating them well will also benefit us later in life.
- As men, treating women with respect and dignity is a reflection of goodness and civility. Doing otherwise only reflects the worse in them.
- Even the hands that fix need sometimes fixing and the hearts that care need sometimes caring
- You cannot reach the heights if you keep looking down
- Vous ne pouvez pas atteindre les hauteurs si vous continuez à regarder toujours vers le bas
- It takes years of experience to appreciate good people and it takes seconds of inexperience to fall in the trap of evil people
- A wise leader is the one who understands and is aware of the weakness of his followers
- Un leader sage est celui qui comprend et est conscient de la faiblesse de ses disciples
- A Good Knowledge of people is also to know what they know and what they don't
- Une bonne connaissance des gens, c’est aussi savoir ce qu’ils savent et ce qu’ils ne savent pas
- Knowledge is also to be aware of the level of ignorance of others
- If a spouse gives the best to his/her spouse, he/she will receive the best out of him/her.
- Si un conjoint donne le meilleur à son conjoint, il/elle recevra le meilleur de l'autre
- The building of a place of worship is nothing without people praying in it. Likewise, this beautiful earth we live in is nothing without the creation living in it
- The bigger your heart is the more good things you do to others and the closer you get to God.
- Generosity starts with a smile and friendship is when you never revile
- Love to live and live to love! Two different words if one is missing the other is nothing.
- What will benefit your heirs when you leave this world is not the wealth you leave for them but rather the values you instil in them.
- Do not say: "O God! I have big problems!" Rather say: "O Problems! I have a big God!"
- Do not focus on becoming better than others but focus on becoming of the best
- It is not only physical fitness that we need but also mental and spiritual ones as well.
- Understanding what you do is better than doing what you don’t understand.
- Eat and drink clean in order to be pure from inside and keep clean the outside to increase the purity of the inside.
- You cannot be a good Muslim unless and until you become a good human being.
- People cannot be good spiritual beings unless and until they become good human beings
- A person is never lonely if he has only God and without Him he is in wilderness even in the middle of a large Crowd.
- Life is a laugh when Death ends your breath. And Death is a laugh when you start the real eternal life.
- Wisdom is a right word/action produced at the right time, at the right place in the right way.
- People who shoot defenseless children and innocent civilians have lost their sanity, spirituality and their humanity.
- They are certainly cowards, godless and heartless those who cheapen life and kill children or innocent people in coffee shops and schools.
- No matter how close or far you think you are from God, He still loves you and loves to help you.
- The Prophet (on whom be Peace) was ridiculed, mocked, insulted and even attacked but he prayed for his enemies and ultimately he won their hearts.
- Today’s Biggest Problem isn’t Religious/Cultural differences but rather the increase of Barbaric, Inhuman, Tasteless & Senseless individuals.
- Aujourd’hui le grand problème n’est pas les différences religieuses ou culturelles, mais plutôt la barbarie et l’inhumanité.
- Signs of religious extremism: Focus on unnecessary details, ignorance of core principles, Ill-mannerism, Hate messages and rejection of creativity.
- Keys to Happiness: Contentment, Collaboration, Consideration and Commitment
- There is no genuine love without trust, no trust without good communication and no good communication without respect. The latter is the foundation in every relationship between two people or two nations.
- The ups and downs of circumstances teach us how to sail wisely and diligently in the ocean of life.
- The lower circumstances of life drag you down the higher you will be determined to go.
- "Acts of violence against women contradict the core values taught by Prophet Muhammad (S) who said, "the best amongst you are those who treat their spouses in the best manners." The welfare of women is the welfare of society and their dignity is to be preserved at all times and in all walks of life. Their contribution in the Muslim society is essential and excluding them is like trying to walk with one leg."
- « Les actes de violence à l’égard des femmes contredisent les valeurs fondamentales enseignées par le prophète Muhammad (S) qui a dit :
- « Les meilleurs d’entre vous sont ceux qui traitent leurs conjoints de la meilleure manière. » Le bien-être des femmes est le bien-être de la société et leur dignité doit être préservée en tout temps et dans tous les milieux. Leur contribution à la société musulmane est essentielle et les exclure, c’est comme essayer de marcher avec un seul pied.»
- Build the power to love not the love for power
- You know your strength only when you know your own weakness.
- Vous ne connaissez votre force que lorsque vous connaissez votre propre faiblesse.
- Discovering one’s strengths starts by knowing one’s weaknesses.
- God forgives as if He sees nothing but we sin as if he sees nothing.
- Pray to Allah anytime and anywhere. There is no busy signal when you call Him on the prayer line and you do not need a place of worship to worship Him. All earth is pure!
- For any act of worship one needs two wings: Sincerity and following the guidelines.
- If you are allowed to take something then you are also allowed to give it.”
- Bitterness makes us appreciate Sweetness and Sweetness makes us overlook Bitterness.
- A Sincere Leader looks after his followers and a Dishonest Leader looks only after his own interests.
- “When young, we are focused on the act. When older we consider the consequences before any act"
- “The day a person says I know everything is the same day his/her decadence starts but without him/her knowing.”
- Life without faith is meaningless and Faith without life is senseless
- Unlike content people, Greedy people can never be satisfied and happy since they can never have enough of things they do not really need
- The most precious and difficult gift you give to someone is the one you give with love while not expecting praises, thanks and even appreciation
- Death is not the end of it. It is the beginning of something bigger than just being an 'it'
- A real friend is the one who is next to you in real life hardships
- When people have too much time in their hand, either they have too many ideas in their mind or they have none
- A sign of a focused mind is continuity
- A sign of sincere love is the willingness to sacrifice some things one may think are important in life
- A sign of respect is good communication
- Inasmuch as one wants to be heard, they must be willing to listen as well
- Having problems in life is not the problem, but not doing anything about them is the real problem
- Wealth is a Blessing when it is used as a blessing for others, but it is curse when you use it to oppress and corrupt on earth.
- Humans were meant to live with each other not just next to each other
- It better be to be a moving wolf than to be an idle lion